Friday, August 29, 2008

killing the time with Ailyn

I came in early so i can go out early. Ailyn texted me that she's on her way to Lapulapu. So we agreed to eat dinner together in A&R Grill. Poor girl, she has to wait for me for an hour or so because i had a last minute task to do in the office. And the tricycle driver was useless - he said he didn't know where A&R is and he brought me to a different street. I was already angry so i said to the drive to just drop me off and i'll walk my way.

chicken that i didn't eat

pork belly

squid calamares

The restaurant closes at 10:00pm but Ailyn and I don't feel like going home yet so we went to Andoks.

they use to sell just lechon manok before

i tried their siopao even if i'm still full

Ailyn and her mais con yelo

We went home around 1:00am 'coz i'm too sleepy already but i just watched TV when i arrive home...

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