Friday, November 14, 2008


I have always wanted to become an accountant but perhaps i'm probably not destined to become one. I just realize i hate computing taxes anyway. :P That could have been one of my tasks had i landed a job as an accountant. Speaking of which, i was really surprised when i read in one of the company newsletters that my elementary classmate is already the new plant comptroller. Wow! Hurray to her! That's a blazing achievement for her age, our age. I was surprised because i didn't know she joined my company but her getting the position ain't a surprise. My friends are achievers! Yeah, i'm gloating. :P Ok, back to me not becoming an accountant. I also don't understand this thing called mortgage. So, it's really a pitty had i become an accountant. I do read that there are lots of types of mortgages and lots of companies offering services. Amerisave Mortgage is one of those and is one of the largest retail mortgage lenders in the US. So, if you're looking into mortgage firms, you might as well check them out.

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